Blackgate Magazine Tribute: The Books of Michael Shea

Mar.26, 2014

Blackgate is paying tribute to the novels of Michael Shea.

Editor John ONeill by writing about a different novel each week.

Black Gate Magazine

Black Gate Magazine

2 comments for this entry:

  • sarah

    Michael Shea was and is one of the best weird fiction, horror writers around. His story FatFace absolutely creeped me out beyond belief. His writings are so creative, yet clear, dark but addictively hard to stop. I was very sad to hear of his passing and I hope his work is published in this collection as I would love to have a complete works or best works by him. Thanks for the scary times Mr Shea. I hope you’re getting to travel the universe now.

  • admin

    Hi. This is Linda, Michael’s wife. Thank you for your note. There are a few collections of his stories out there, and you can get them.
    One is the Centipede Press collector’s edition, THE AUTOPSY AND OTHER TALES, but it is pretty expensive. Second is COPPNG SQUID AND OTHER TALES (Mythos pices) and the third one is an older book from Arkham called POLYPHEMOUS. I think it is available on Amazon. I would love to see another collection come out because he released, just in the past few years so many stories. Maybe you can write or call your his publisher, TOR Books (they put out the EXTRA Series, #2 just last year) and say that you’d like to see it. Thank you so much again.

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